Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 337
Maan kise nun apne app te maan kise nun maya da;
Maan kise nun raaj paat da maan kise nun kaya da.
Maan kise nun kul apni da kise nun maan ameeri da;
Maan kise nun sach bolan da kise nun maan fakeeri da.
Maan kise nun kise hunar da koi karni te maan kare;
Kahe avtar bhagat is jag vich apne gur te maan kare.
People take pride in their possessions. They don't understand, these things are short lived. We take pride in our possessions but they are short lived like people are proud of themselves, of their material wealth, of their luxurious living. And some are proud of their body, their clan. Some are even proud of their speaking the truth, and some are proud of their becoming ascetics. Some are proud of a skill, and some are proud of their actions. Here Baba Avtar Singh ji says, the devotee in this world is proud only of his Divine Master.